connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } // Change character set to utf8 mysqli_set_charset($conn,"utf8"); //一定要加上面這行,不然中文會變亂碼 $sql = "SELECT * FROM articles"; $result = $conn->query($sql); //下面開始插入方式 $title = $_POST['title']; $links = $_POST['links']; $type = $_POST['type']; $myps = $_POST['myps']; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (empty($_POST["title"])) { $titleErr = "需要有文章標題"; } else { $title = test_input($_POST["title"]); } if (empty($_POST["links"])) { $linksErr = "需要有文章連結"; } else { $links = test_input($_POST["links"]); } if (empty($_POST["type"])) { $website = ""; } else { $type = test_input($_POST["type"]); } if (empty($_POST["myps"])) { $myps = ""; } else { $myps = test_input($_POST["myps"]); } } function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } $sql = "INSERT INTO articles (title, links, type, myps) VALUES ('$title', '$links', '$type', '$myps')"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { // echo "New record created successfully"; } else { echo "Error: " . $sql . "
" . $conn->error; } ?>
  • 標題 *
  • 網址 *
  • 類型
  • 個人備註
num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "" ; } } else { echo "0 results"; } $conn->close(); ?>
類型 標題 個人備註
" .$row["type"]. "". $row["title"]. "" .$row["myps"]."